The Solution for Keratosis Pilaris - Chicken Skin Problem

Keratosis pilaris or KP, also known as chicken skin, is not a physically painful condition, but the appearance of the rash-like bumps is known to cause increased anxiety and depression, which makes it emotionally painful. The condition is a sign that the skin is not as healthy as it could be. Problems with the skin are often connected to poor physical health, as the skin is the largest organ of the body.
What are the Causes?
It is important to understand the possible causes of any condition, before trying to decide how to treat or cure it. Doctors will say there is no treatment or cure for keratosis pilaris. While there is no quick cure, certain creams are effective if they are used consistently.
Understanding a little bit about the causes will help you understand why the creams work. When you understand why a treatment will work, you are more likely to stick with the program.
The causes of KP include:
• Ingrown hairs
• Inflammation of the hair producing follicles
• Chronic irritation of the skin
• Genetics
Low humidity and a lack of moisture in the skin's cells are known to increase redness and may cause itching. Although the condition is often mistaken for acne, especially when the face is affected, it is not related to acne. Nor is it related to poor personal hygiene.
How to Address the Causes of Keratosis Pilaris
We can't do anything about our genes, but there are things we can do to ensure that our genes and cellular DNA are in good working order. Eating healthy foods and taking a good multi-nutritional supplement are things that we can do to keep the body functioning optimally, even at the DNA level.
Chronic irritation of the skin would lead to increased inflammation, which in turn would lead to increased redness and other symptoms. Irritants abound in today's world. Most are derived from petroleum or petrochemicals. Using all natural skin, bath and hair care products that contain no petrochemicals can help reduce the inflammation.
Men who shave are more likely to have chronic irritation and ingrown hairs. It is important to use a good lubricant prior to shaving to reduce irritation and the risk of ingrown hairs. Grape seed oil is a natural choice. It is available in gourmet food stores and some grocery stores.
There are many things that cause inflammation throughout the body. Your diet could play a role in that, too. Some foods contribute to inflammation while others keep it to a minimum. You might want to learn more about an anti-inflammatory diet, because chronic inflammation is a cause of cellular aging and damaged DNA strands. You see how everything within your body is connected.
If your face is affected, the regular consistent use of a good whitening day cream on a daily basis is the best way to address all of the causes and symptoms of keratosis pilaris. But, you have to be very careful about the brand that you choose.
Some cause even more irritation and make the problem worse. Others contain ingredients that have been linked to cancer. I recommend a certain brand, because it is safe, natural and effective. See Resource box below.
Why a Whitening Day Cream Can Work to Treat the Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris
The whitening day cream contains a number of anti-irritants and natural anti-inflammatories. The combination of ingredients will work to reduce the redness by reducing the underlying inflammation.
The cream also contains a number of moisturizers, which means you won't have to worry about the redness worsening or returning during times of low humidity.
Additional Recommendations
Every week or two, you should use a deep cleansing mask to help keep cellular debris from clogging the pores. On a daily basis, you should be taking a good fish oil supplement to help keep inflammation throughout your body to a minimum.
Taking a nutritional supplement that contains MSM (a form of sulfur) is known to be beneficial for keratosis pilaris. The use of sulfur-based cleansers is another recommendation.
Gentle exfoliation using regular table salt or sugar can help to smooth out the bumps. Just be sure not to be too rough. Scrubbing or scratching can cause bleeding, increased redness, infection, irritation and inflammation.
What are the Benefits of Treatment?
If you follow the recommendations above consistently, you will be rewarded with smoother facial skin and reduced redness, because of the whitening day cream.
Your hair and fingernails will be thicker and healthier, because of MSM.
Your emotional pain will be resolved, because you will feel better about your appearance.
You will be less likely to have wrinkles, because the ingredients in the Whitening Day Cream are anti-aging ingredients.
Within a month or two, you could see an end to keratosis pilaris, because you have addressed the causes.
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