Keratosis Pilaris is a hyperkeratotic disorder associated with eczema (dermatitis) and can be treated naturally with BIOSKINTREATMENT
Keratosis pilaris is a common skin disorder that results from a buildup of keratin, a protein, in the opening of the hair follicles in the skin. This makes the affected skin feel rough. Keratosis pilaris usually occurs on the arms, thighs and cheeks. It's more common in children than in adults. The disorder may be associated with eczema (dermatitis).
When keratosis pilaris occurs on the cheeks, the affected area is red as well as feeling rough. The characteristic "reddish" aspect of this type of facial KP gives it the clinical name of KP Rubra Faceii. Another variant on the face, called "keratosis pilaris atrophicans faciei", causes a worm-eaten like atrophy of skin. When the outer eyebrows are affected the condition is known as "ulerythema ophryogenes". Face occurrences often affect babies where it tends to be most obvious on the cheeks. It may remain for years but generally becomes less obvious in adult life; keratosis pilaris is uncommon in elderly people.
Treatment involves softening the keratin by applying gentle acids to the skin, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, urea and sometimes retinoids. If the keratosis pilaris is associated with eczema, treatment of the eczema may improve it. It also tends to improve with age.
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. It can have many causes and occur in many forms. Generally, dermatitis describes swollen, reddened and itchy skin.
Dermatitis is a common condition. It's not life-threatening, and it isn't contagious. But it can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. A combination of self-care steps and natural medications can help you treat dermatitis and its symptoms.
General measures to prevent excessive skin dryness (e.g.: use of mild soaps) are recommended.
Some available therapeutic options include emollients, lactic acid, tretinoin cream, alpha-hydroxy acid lotions, urea cream, salicylic acid, and topical steroids.
Ichthyosis: a group of congenital disorders of keratinization characterized by dryness and scaling of the skin.
Keratosis Pilaris Relief
BIOSKINTREATMENT™ absorbs quickly, speeds skin regeneration and replacement of damaged cells and opens clogged pores, allowing for normal shedding-off dead skin cells, softens the skin scales around the follicle and helps to reduce scars. It also prevents scarring and acts as a natural remedy against skin infections including acne.
The cream works best for keratosis pilaris when applied twice daily. It softens the adherent skin scales around the follicle enabling them to be shed more easily. Some people find that the use of a Buff-Puff, either to apply the cream and/or to abrade the skin during washing, increases the benefits of BIOSKINTREATMENT. Other people find that this abrasion simply causes extra irritation and aggravates Keratosis Pilaris.
BIOSKINTREATMENT™ is made off a natural substance gathered from the secretions left on his paths by the Chilean snail Helix Aspersa Müller. The very same he uses to quickly regenerate his own shell and skin when damaged. After years of proven effects, scientific validation and the invention of a patented process to make it into a topical cream, now presented as a natural remedy for scars, acne and many skin problems and disorders.
The effectivenes of BIOSKINTREATMENT™ is due to deep penetrating into the middle layer of the skin (the dermis), of it's biological ingredients. They are powerful biologically active protein enzymes, copper peptides, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans that act as biological activators of both the elimination of dead and damaged skin cells and the renewal of healthy cells.
The enzymes keep the hair follicles open, carrying into them the skin repair ingredients contained in the snail's secretions. Once inside the follicle the bio-available skin renewal activators and the cooper peptides will trigger the formation of new elastic cells, collagen and pigment, filling in scar cavities. They will also shrink (digest) and replace the old fibrous collagen formed to repair damaged tissues and keloid scar tissue. The biological compound also reduces the damage of free radicals and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
The first noticeable effect is a softening of the skin and then the elimination of the plugging that may lead to acne formation. Scarring is avoided, reduced and may even vanish altogether. Ultimate healing is when new 'invisible' hair, known as lanugo, comes thru the restored hair follicles in formerly damaged areas.
When keratosis pilaris occurs on the cheeks, the affected area is red as well as feeling rough. The characteristic "reddish" aspect of this type of facial KP gives it the clinical name of KP Rubra Faceii. Another variant on the face, called "keratosis pilaris atrophicans faciei", causes a worm-eaten like atrophy of skin. When the outer eyebrows are affected the condition is known as "ulerythema ophryogenes". Face occurrences often affect babies where it tends to be most obvious on the cheeks. It may remain for years but generally becomes less obvious in adult life; keratosis pilaris is uncommon in elderly people.
Treatment involves softening the keratin by applying gentle acids to the skin, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, urea and sometimes retinoids. If the keratosis pilaris is associated with eczema, treatment of the eczema may improve it. It also tends to improve with age.
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. It can have many causes and occur in many forms. Generally, dermatitis describes swollen, reddened and itchy skin.
Dermatitis is a common condition. It's not life-threatening, and it isn't contagious. But it can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. A combination of self-care steps and natural medications can help you treat dermatitis and its symptoms.
General measures to prevent excessive skin dryness (e.g.: use of mild soaps) are recommended.
Some available therapeutic options include emollients, lactic acid, tretinoin cream, alpha-hydroxy acid lotions, urea cream, salicylic acid, and topical steroids.
The cream works best for keratosis pilaris when applied twice daily. It softens the adherent skin scales around the follicle enabling them to be shed more easily. Some people find that the use of a Buff-Puff, either to apply the cream and/or to abrade the skin during washing, increases the benefits of BIOSKINTREATMENT. Other people find that this abrasion simply causes extra irritation and aggravates Keratosis Pilaris.
BIOSKINTREATMENT™ is made off a natural substance gathered from the secretions left on his paths by the Chilean snail Helix Aspersa Müller. The very same he uses to quickly regenerate his own shell and skin when damaged. After years of proven effects, scientific validation and the invention of a patented process to make it into a topical cream, now presented as a natural remedy for scars, acne and many skin problems and disorders.
The effectivenes of BIOSKINTREATMENT™ is due to deep penetrating into the middle layer of the skin (the dermis), of it's biological ingredients. They are powerful biologically active protein enzymes, copper peptides, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans that act as biological activators of both the elimination of dead and damaged skin cells and the renewal of healthy cells.
The enzymes keep the hair follicles open, carrying into them the skin repair ingredients contained in the snail's secretions. Once inside the follicle the bio-available skin renewal activators and the cooper peptides will trigger the formation of new elastic cells, collagen and pigment, filling in scar cavities. They will also shrink (digest) and replace the old fibrous collagen formed to repair damaged tissues and keloid scar tissue. The biological compound also reduces the damage of free radicals and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
The first noticeable effect is a softening of the skin and then the elimination of the plugging that may lead to acne formation. Scarring is avoided, reduced and may even vanish altogether. Ultimate healing is when new 'invisible' hair, known as lanugo, comes thru the restored hair follicles in formerly damaged areas.
Get rid of keratosis scales, scars and skin blemishes, while your skin is moisturized, protected from free radicals and the effects of UV radiation, repaired and renewed with BIOSKINTREATMENT
Dissolves pore plugs and scar tissues and releases the aminoacids and other components in them for the reproduction of fibroblasts which give rise to new connective tissues and glycosaminoglycans -the molecules that deeply moisturize, firm skin and give it strenght and capacity to withstand over-stretching. It also replenishes the lipid barrier of the skin and triggers the regeneration of damaged cells while preventing and removing acne scars, keratosis and psoriasis scales and all types of skin blemishes.
2oz $60
2oz $60
Ultra Exfoliate Your Skin with BIOSKINEXFOL
A home microdermabrasion cream with high quality micro-crystals, the same professionals use to breakdown hard, rough and old scar tissues, and allow for a deeper penetration of our exclusive all natural skin moisturizing and regeneration complex contained in the microdermabrasion cream. For ice-pick acne scars and for old and rough scars and the profilaxis of actinic keratosis scales. Not for keloids.
Made in the USA. Two to Three Month's supply 120 grams = 4.23 oz
120 Gram Bottle: $89